A Nursing Solution

The problem with most medication administration systems is two fold.

First, they are created as an afterthought to an M.D.S. package so that the vendor can claim to have a "complete" offering.  As a result, more attention is paid to integration with the other software than to functionality.  This is ironic because the two are never used in an integrated manner as they address different health care areas.

Second, these systems are designed by programmers who know little about nursing functions.   To compensate for this, they consult people occupying positions in nursing management.  Although this seems logical, it is actually a mistake.  Nursing management does not do med passes and treatments nor do they perform the input and update functions necessary in the maintenance of a medication administration system.

The result is a system that is difficult for the medical records person to maintain and cumbersome and error prone for the med passer to use.

But there is a solution . . . . .


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